CCH’s John Hatch Presents at International Preservation Conference in Portugal

John Hatch, FAIA, recently spoke on Historic Preservation and Sustainability at the Second International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures, held in Porto, Portugal from the 22nd to the 24th of July. He presented a paper which used the redevelopment of the Roebling Complex in Trenton as a case study in historic preservation and sustainable design, showing how these crucial concepts are inextricably intertwined. In particular, he explored some of the preservation and sustainability design issues raised at the Roebling Block 3 Development in Trenton (, and how these apparent conflicts in approach are being resolved with the National Park Service. In addition to presenting his paper, he chaired a session on “Sustainability Principles and Practices in the Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures” where a wide range of research and design issues were discussed.

Organized by the Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development based in Portugal, more than 200 practitioners and academics from around the world attended. The quickly redeveloping historic city of Porto provided a fascinating backdrop to the issues explored in the conference.

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